
Save 1 hour per website on SVG client logos

For each new project, we spend around 1 hour cutting, coloring, uploading client logos. This is a waste of time, so we made LogoEmbed. Pick from popular logos or upload your own in projects.

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LogoEmbed - Browse, download, and embed company logos easily | Product Hunt
How can I change my password?
You can change your password by going to the profile page in settings.
What is the max logo size?
100 KB per SVG. If your SVG is larger, it's likely a PNG or JPG embedded in the SVG. SVG is a vector format, so it can scale to any size without losing quality. It also means it's not meant to store pixels, so it's not a good format for photos. Contact us if you need help.
How much disk space is included?
All plans include 1 GB space (around 33,000 SVGs)
How to change my project name and/or color?
You can change your project name and color by going to the projects page and clicking the pen icon.
Can I get a refund?
Yes, if you are not satisfied, we offer refunds within 30 days of purchase. Please tell us why via hi@logoembed.com and include your email and transaction details.
How can I delete my account?
Contact us at hi@logoembed.com and we'll delete your account.
How can I embed logos?
You can embed logos by going to the projects page clicking on a project and then clicking on a logo. A drawer will open with the embed code at the bottom. There's a HTML option and a JSX option.
My question isn't here!
Contact us at hi@logoembed.com and we'll do our best to help you.